September 2024
Your health and the health of those you love matters to us!
Monthly Preventive Focus: Diabetes Awareness
Did you know?…
Diabetes (Type 2) has a genetic predisposition, but that DOES NOT mean you can’t avoid it.
A 30 minute walk after you eat helps your body use and process sugar (carbs) better!
Eating protein with each meal will help prevent insulin from spiking as high as a sugar/carb meal alone.
Our low cost labs offer you a glimpse of just how well (or not so well) your body is processing the sugar you eat for less than $50.
Reigning Those Sugar Cravings In
Simple sugars/carbs effect the brain much like drugs that are abused. As such, recognizing cravings as a sign of addiction and getting them under control helps you regain control of your brain and emotions. Here are a few things to consider:
If you feel tired regardless of a good night’s sleep, it could mean that your body is trying to process extra sugar floating around in your blood vessels.
If a sweet treat (or a bit of bread/pasta) sounds like it would make you feel better, your mind and body have learned to depend of sugar to get a dopamine rush and you are keeping the unhealthy cycle going.
Hunger pains are often confused with thirst or fatigue from poor rest/sleep. Before grabbing a sweet “pick-me-up”, drink 8 ounces of water and get up and move for 10 minutes. If you’re still hungry, have a bit of protein with that sweet.
“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”
Upcoming Events and News
I recently had the opportunity to begin volunteering at The Post Clinic here in Mt Sterling, KY. I strive to provide affordable care to as many people as need it. However, I am aware that as financial hardship becomes more and more prevalent, there are many people struggling to seek care of any kind. As such, I wanted to make you each aware of this opportunity for those you come across that need free care to help get them back on track. The local schools have not provided names of children that could use coats as of this writing. Therefore, if another opportunity for sharing during this difficult time for many, I will keep you posted. Until then, look to see how you can love those right next to you and pray for Open Hands DPC and Post Clinic to bless those that come to us for help.
Community Prayer Walk
Time and Date: Coming this FALL
We will be hosting another Community Prayer Walk starting at The Clinic - 506 N Maysville St.
Open Hands DPC exists to serve the people of our community - body, mind and spirit. As such, we will gather to briefly pray over the families present and then disperse for an hour of prayer throughout our community. If you cannot join in person, we welcome you to join in spirit from your part of our community.
Making Happy a Habit: Stories We Get to Share
Have an encouraging story to tell?
We’d LOVE to hear it!
As our newsletter grows, we would like to include real-life stories from you to share encouragement with all of us in the Open Hands DPC community. Email to share your words of encouragement!