Please note that this is NOT a comprehensive list. If there is a specific lab you are looking for and don’t see, please ask.
Low Cost Lab Pricing
All payments are required at the time of lab draw/collection.
Pricing is only for labs ordered and paid through Open Hands DPC.
Lab Draw Fee $6
In-Depth Screening Lab Bundle $36 includes:
CBC w/differential - $4
CMP - $7
Hemoglobin A1C - $5
Lipid Panel - $8
TSH and (if needed) Free T4 - $10
Other Low Cost Labs
Amylase - $5
Beta hCG quantitative (blood pregnancy test) - $9
Blood type - $15
Celiac Screening - $75
Includes IgA and IgG of t-tG
Cortisol - $8
CRP - $9
Culture (wound/throat) - $25
D-dimer - $25
Estradiol - $12
Estrogen, Total - $48
ESR - $3
Factor V Leiden Mutation - $120
Ferritin - $6
Flu A&B (Rapid) – $25
FSH and LH - $18
G/C Screening - $40
H. pylori (breath test) - $85
Hepatitis C Screening - $20
Hepatitis Panel (A, B & C Ab) - $50
Insulin (fasting) - $12
Ionized Ca - $20
Iron/TIBC - $9
Lipase - $8
Microalbumin/creatinine Ratio - $12
Mono & EBV:
Acute Mono screening and level - $42
EBV Acute Infection IgM - $30
EBV Prior Infection IgG - $12
Pap Smear - $100
Includes Screening for HPV and G/C
PSA - $8
Rheumatoid Factor - $7 (if positive, CCP will be $35)
Strep throat (rapid) – $4 (if negative result, strep culture REQUIRED $25)
Syphilis screening - $27
Testosterone - $36
MMR - $55
Varicella - $25
Trichomonas - $70
Urine drug (9 drug screen) - $25
Urinalysis (culture if needed) - $18
Vitamin D - $25
Vitamin B12 and Folate - $10
Results will be sent to Dr Keller. She will communicate results and recommendations to you directly.
You can elect to sign up for LabCorp’s Patient Portal to receive results directly!