Services We Provide
As a Board Certified Physician in Family Medicine and Manual Manipulative Treatment (OMT), Dr. Kelli Keller is trained to care for you, your family and friends throughout your life.
Yearly Checkup
Comprehensive Labs
Pap Smears
Skin Checks and Biopsies
Join Injections
Weight Management
Stress/Lifestyle Management
Sports Physicals
Chronic Illness Management
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Thyroid Disease
Depression or Anxiety
Heart Disease
Lung Diseases
Sinus and Respiratory Infections
Strep Swabs
Flu Swabs
UTI evaluation
Body aches and Pains (OMT eval)
Simple Laceration Repair (stitches/staples)
Nebulizer Treatments
Ear Cleaning
Ear Infections
Skin Rashes
$100 by appointment only
Click HERE for more info.